School Ventures

School Ventures are residentials for Church of England primary schools, helping pupils investigate the core claims of the Christian faith.


‘The children were looked after so well. CPAS’ approach to safeguarding, general safety and the management of team and children has our total confidence.’


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Short residential event: Usually a two-night stay at a nearby activity centre.

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Church of England schools: Run for single or multiple schools at once, each bringing pupils from Years 4 and/or 5.


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Teachers: Staff from each school join the team of local church volunteers.


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Affordable: Just £100* per pupil for a two-night stay, including everything except travel. (*Prices reviewed annually).



Teaching materials

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The Case of the Empty Tomb

Pupils are invited to come as 'detectives' to solve The Case of the Empty Tomb through interactive sessions as a whole group and further investigations in small groups.

Drawing on material from Luke's Gospel, pupils have the opportunity to investigate the claims of the Christian faith in a fun, open and accessible way. This is an Understanding Christianity accredited resource.

Who leads School Ventures?


School Ventures are the responsiblity of CPAS Ventures and Falcons, and are led by carefully selected volunteers from our existing holidays and local churches, along with school staff.

CPAS is a Church of England charity established in 1836. We run over 60 Venture and Falcon holidays with 2,000 volunteers for 3,000 children each year. We work in partnership with Church of England dioceses

Experienced Venture leaders and local church volunteers are joined by school staff, with a typical ratio of three children to one adult. Our team leaders are responsible for managing the team, overseeing safeguarding, health and safety, volunteer-led activities and the teaching programme. On-site activity instuctors are responsible for outdoor pursuits.

All leaders are DBS checked in line with our safer recruitment policy.

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What can School Ventures offer pupils?

School Ventures combine a creative mix of indoor and outdoor activities and pursuits, arts, crafts, music and interactive teaching sessions. Pupils have the opportunity to explore the Christian faith, develop their personal ideas and ask questions.​

Enhances RE experience

Contributes to Christian distinctiveness of Church of England Schools

Highlights what's on offer for children at local churches

'The best thing was having fun while learning about Jesus.’

Year 5 pupil