Ventures' bursary
The Ventures' Bursary Fund exists to ensure that cost isn't a barrier for any child or young person to attend a Venture.
However, the fund is limited, and we therefore set criteria to ensure we're awarding bursaries to those who are most in need. You can request one grant from the bursary fund per year for an amount up to one third of the Venture price. (Different for Ski Switzerland, please check with the bookings contact to find out what is available.)
Please contact the leader of the holiday you would like to attend for more information and to apply, or contact the Ventures and Falcons Office. If you are representing a church, or are an Overall Leader, please fill out the bursary form here.
For information about Falcon bursaries, please contact the leader of the holiday you would like to attend, or get contact the Ventures and Falcons Office.
To donate to one of our bursary funds, please visit our give page.
New sending group discount
This discount is for children and young people from new sending groups who have not been on a Venture before.
Up to five groups (churches, schools, or youth groups) can be eligible per Venture per year. However, the fund is limited, and discounts will be offered on a first come, first served basis. The criteria are:
-The group has not sent children to any Venture for two years (confirmation is required by the Ventures and Falcons Office).
-A leader from the group has personally contacted a key leader from the Venture for a conversation about the Venture and this discount.
-The key leader in the group offers the discount to their young people or parents; therefore the group leader is actively promoting the Venture themselves.
-The group is made up of three or more young people.
If your group is eligible, £75 off per child (or £45 off for Ventures costing under £250) is available. This discount can be combined* with our normal bursary scheme if necessary. The bursary will be applied to the remaining fee after the discount.
To find out more about our new sending group discount, please contact one of the leaders of the holiday or the Ventures and Falcons Office.
Patronage clergy discount
CPAS is the patron of over 700 churches, which means we’re involved in appointing vicars with a heart for the gospel when these churches have a vacancy.
To celebrate this relationship our Patronage Clergy can benefit from a substantial discount! A 50% Ventures* discount is available to children and young people who live in the same household as one of our Patronage Clergy. The discount is limited to children and young people who haven’t been on a Venture before.
If you would like to check whether a church is a Patronage Church or not, please contact us at the Ventures and Falcons Office.
To find out more about our Patronage Clergy discount, please contact one of the leaders of the holiday or the Ventures and Falcons Office.
Other grants and funds
Grants for Clergy Families
The SRPC (Society for the Relief of Poor Clergy), which is closely related to CPAS, is offering grants for children of evangelical clergy who need help with fees for going on Christian holidays. Priority will be given to applications from clergy who are attending holidays in leadership positions. The fund is limited and grants are considered in regard to individual financial and family circumstances. For more information, and to download the application form, visit Please note, applications sent in by the end of February or April will be considered in March and May respectively.
The David Chilcott Fund
This fund is an independently managed registered charity. Its purpose is to help young people attend Christian holidays which they would otherwise not be able to afford, by contributing financially to the cost of the event. For more details on how to apply, go to

Donate to our bursary funds
To donate to one of our bursary funds, please visit our give page where you make a one-off gift, set up regular support, make a church donation or leave a legacy.