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Ventures Bursary - Guidelines and Application Form

Bursary Guidelines

The Ventures bursary fund exists so that no child or young person is prevented from going on a Venture because they cannot afford the full fees. However, as the fund is limited, we set certain criteria to ensure we are awarding bursaries to those who are most in need.

The bursary fund is one of several options for funding; others include beneficiary's home churches and Trust Funds, so please consider carefully which support is most suitable.

Application Criteria

When making an application, you are confirming that the beneficiary meets one or more of the criteria below. Only one bursary per year can be awarded for each child or young person, except in exceptional circumstances approved by the Ventures Office.

A. The beneficiary is from a low-income family (which usually means that their parents or guardians receive welfare benefits) and, without this bursary, the beneficiary would be unable to attend the Venture.

B. The beneficiary is from a household which is sending three or more children or young people on Ventures in the same year and, without this bursary, the household would be unable to afford the fees for all of them.

C. The beneficiary is unable to attend the Venture without a bursary due to an exceptional circumstance, which has been discussed and approved in advance by the Ventures Office (contact details below).

Who can apply for the bursary?

The bursary application must be completed by either a church group leader or a Venture leader, and never by the beneficiary, their parent or their guardian.

Please note that you will need to complete a separate application for each child or young person and we are only able to apply the bursary once the reservation has been accepted by the Bookings Contact.

How much can I request?

You can request a grant from the bursary fund for a maximum of one-third (33%) of the full Venture price, rounded down to the nearest pound. For overseas Ventures, we give a maximum equivalent to the largest bursary which could be made to a UK-based Venture in that year.

How will the bursary be paid?

Successful bursaries will be applied once the beneficiary has (a) been booked and accepted onto the Venture, and (b) paid their £40 deposit. 

If there are no issues, then we will apply the bursary within the next seven working days and the online outstanding amount will represent this reduction.  Please do let the financial contact of the beneficiary know that this will be seen when they log in to complete the payment.  

Further information

For further information or enquiries please contact the Ventures Office at