Bookings for our 2025 holidays are open!

Impact stories

Since our Fresh Air Fund camps in the 1920s, CPAS has been providing unique holiday experiences that have been changing young lives for generations! Children, teenagers and leaders share stories of how these holidays have impacted their life and faith in ways that reach far beyond a week in the summer.

Meeting new people

'I was so looking forward to going on Kepplewray Venture, because I’d never been on a Venture holiday before.'


Part of a team

'What I enjoy most about being part of the Haslemere Ventures is seeing the young people grow in their faith.'

Life-changing holidays

'Through all the fun and activities, not just the worship and teaching, God comes close and shows people what it means to follow Jesus.'


It's a privilege

'On Falcon holidays, young people get to hear how much God loves them, and how important they are to him.'


Full of fun

'I joined a fabulous team of volunteers who sacrificed a week of their own time to give a group of children a holiday full of fun and loving care.'


Positive relationships

‘Many went home completely changed... I couldn’t believe how much impact and progress had been made in such a short space of time.'


Beyond the holiday

'I’m already excited about the next School Venture. It’s a fantastic opportunity for children to explore faith issues, many for the first time, if they wish to.'

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Transforming lives

'Before I knew it, I was in an astronaut suit on a stage in front of 50 children talking about the Trinity!'

Asking deep questions

'It's great to hear the children ask deep questions during the Bible studies that show they really want to know more.'

Inspired by these stories?