Bookings for our 2025 holidays are open!

Life-changing holidays

Claire and Sam Corley regularly volunteer on Venture holidays and are also Church of England clergy in Leeds. Claire is curate at St Edmund's Church in Roundhay and Sam is Rector of Leeds, based at Leeds Minster.

Claire states: ‘We took over running Ripon in 2003 and since then have run around 40 ventures at various times of the year. We were asked to come by a friend and it sounded like so much fun, we couldn't resist! We've been hooked ever since. 

‘Life is busy for Sam and I, but we wouldn't miss Ripon for the world. When we first started leading on Ventures we actually planned our wedding and honeymoon so that we would still have time to help on Ripon. We came straight to camp from our honeymoon! Ripon is a priority - it is the first thing that goes into the diary and everything else has to fit around that.

'The best thing about volunteering for Ventures and Falcons is seeing God at work in the lives of the young people and leaders who come. Through all the fun and activities, not just the worship and teaching, God comes close and shows people what he is like and what it means to follow in the way of his Son Jesus Christ. Everyone who comes has a story, and God has been at work throughout that story. Our role is really just to join with the Holy Spirit in pulling together the threads of that story.

'Looking back over some of our favourite memories from volunteering, seeing lives changed by God is the thing that gets us every time. There is nothing better than seeing a room full of people engaging with God and growing in faith. Playing a small part in making that happen is such a huge privilege. So if ever you have the chance to volunteer on a Venture or Falcon holiday go for it! Cancel your holiday, leave your job, do whatever, but get there.'

Ventures are fun-filled holidays that offer children and young people aged 8-18 the opportunity to make great friends, take part in incredible activities and explore life with Jesus.