Uploading photos and videos
Guidance notes on uploading photos and videos
- Please provide the first name of the child only.
- You must be the parent or legal guardian of the children sending material in, or pictured.
- Please make sure that there are no identifiable logos on clothing. For example, no school logos should be visible.
- Please tell us about what you are sending in. It's always nice to have a background story!
Digital content
- For child protection reasons, do not tell social media that you have uploaded it.
- Please do not upload images of children where they are not fully clothed or appear to be partially clothed.
- When uploading, please also consider the dignity of children. Images may be available to view on a YouTube platform for some time and could therefore cause embarrassment or upset for a child at a future date.
Please don't post or upload anything that:
- Is inappropriate (abusive, offensive or disruptive)
- Is off topic (to the original content or the current conversation)
- Contains personal information (either your own or someone else's)
- Puts children at risk
- Is illegal, or glamourises illegal activity
- Is defamatory (damaging to someone else's reputation)
- Is in contempt of court (anything that could affect the outcome of a court case)
- Infringes anyone's rights (including privacy rights)
- Was made by someone else, or that copies someone else's creation
- Is posted for your financial gain (advertising, sponsorship etc.)
- Isn't in English (unless we've asked you to comment in another language)
- Contains spam (unless you're commenting on a story about reconstituted meat)
- Contains links to content that can't be seen easily, or may be unsafe (viruses, spyware, paywalls etc.)
What will we do with the content that you post?
Use it
- Put your creations on display (on the platforms listed below) to inspire other people.
- Invite others to use your creation to make their own creation
- Display what you've achieved or want to demonstrate
- Use it in our marketing material to promote Virtual holidays.
Moderate it
- Which means we can review, edit, remove or decide not to display it. And, if it breaks any laws, we can refer it to the police and other authorities.
And we can use your creations/images/videos
- In any medium (for example YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Zoom)
- For as long as we want